Art Director | Designer

Shiffman Diner Sign


Shiffman Diner Sign

ROLE: Designer, Fabricator
TOOLS: Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Construction Tools
DURATION: 2 weeks


This custom neon sign was fabricated for a client’s home. Made of steel and real neon, it measured 14’ wide by 8’ tall to cover the entirety of the wall at the client’s request. I provided the conceptual and dimensional designs and oversaw the construction of the project, which included assisting paint, installing hardware, and connecting neon tubes.

This project was a team effort between Breona Redmond (CAD Drafter), Fred Gannoud (Welding and Structural), D (Welding), David (Painting), Bob Barry (Electrical), and T&D Neon (Neon Letter forming). The final installation and client relations were guided by Erick Donaldson.


Concept and Construction